Saturday 29 October 2016

Knitted Afghan

One of the types of crafts that I absolutely love to engage in is any type of knitted craft. Although I do make creations to sell, sometimes I will make creations to give away as gifts as well. This particular afghan was given to my husband's niece as a wedding present. It was super easy and fast to make and since I had tons of yellow yarn in my yarn stash I figured it was a great way to use up yarn and saved me in buying a gift as well.

I had so much fun creating this piece that I have actually made an identical one for my father in law and his wife for Christmas. Their afghan is an off kind of red in color. I have finished this particular afghan as well and have started on one for myself. The one I am currently knitting is of all the colors of the rainbow as I have tons of small balls of yarn that I need to use up as well.

Once I am completed knitting the afghan for me I am going to take a small break from knitting and go on to a different type of craft. But don't worry folks, I will be back to knitting and will once again post pictures of any creations that spark my fancy.

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