Friday 4 November 2016

Christmas Craft Fairs

Once again another year has seemed to pass me by. At the beginning of this year I had made the decision to try to have a ton of inventory made up to sell at the 2016 Christmas craft fairs. Now it's November and I have nothing ready. So I guess I won't be participating in any craft fairs this season.

Although I am disappointed in myself for not being able to get things going for this season, there were a couple of factors that did hinder my progress. First of all I worked quite a bit from home doing general transcription and money is more important than fun and secondly doing all this extra typing, I injured my shoulder and wasn't able to almost anything for a few months.

But I'm all better now and work has slowed down quite a bit so I am once again making creations. So hopefully this time next year I will be all set for the Christmas craft season. But.... time will tell I guess.

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