Friday 4 November 2016

Christmas Craft Fairs

Once again another year has seemed to pass me by. At the beginning of this year I had made the decision to try to have a ton of inventory made up to sell at the 2016 Christmas craft fairs. Now it's November and I have nothing ready. So I guess I won't be participating in any craft fairs this season.

Although I am disappointed in myself for not being able to get things going for this season, there were a couple of factors that did hinder my progress. First of all I worked quite a bit from home doing general transcription and money is more important than fun and secondly doing all this extra typing, I injured my shoulder and wasn't able to almost anything for a few months.

But I'm all better now and work has slowed down quite a bit so I am once again making creations. So hopefully this time next year I will be all set for the Christmas craft season. But.... time will tell I guess.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Knitted Afghan

One of the types of crafts that I absolutely love to engage in is any type of knitted craft. Although I do make creations to sell, sometimes I will make creations to give away as gifts as well. This particular afghan was given to my husband's niece as a wedding present. It was super easy and fast to make and since I had tons of yellow yarn in my yarn stash I figured it was a great way to use up yarn and saved me in buying a gift as well.

I had so much fun creating this piece that I have actually made an identical one for my father in law and his wife for Christmas. Their afghan is an off kind of red in color. I have finished this particular afghan as well and have started on one for myself. The one I am currently knitting is of all the colors of the rainbow as I have tons of small balls of yarn that I need to use up as well.

Once I am completed knitting the afghan for me I am going to take a small break from knitting and go on to a different type of craft. But don't worry folks, I will be back to knitting and will once again post pictures of any creations that spark my fancy.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Welcome to Crafting Creations

Welcome! I am so pleased that you all found this blog. This is a brand new blog that I have decided to set up to keep you all informed of all my crafting creations.

I have been passionately involved in creating handcrafted, unique one of a kind crafts for many years now. I will not tell you exactly how many years as that could very well date myself, but let's just say for as long as I can remember.

At first when I began to get involved with numerous crafts it was just for my pure enjoyment of learning a new craft. But after a few years I discovered that I was actually pretty good at some of these crafts (not so good at others) so began looking at ways on how to earn income with my passion.

In this blog I will showcase some of my works of arts and later on down the road will post pictures with instructions on how you may purchase some of these crafts for your very own or to give as presents.

So welcome and I hope you enjoy what you see.